Dear Clubs,


Please review the information below from the SFA regarding scouting. 

Ensure that all officials are familiar with these procedures and report any suspicious activity. 

If you have further questions, please contact Scottish FA Wellbeing and Protection team on 


We have received reports that an individual(s) may be approaching clubs impersonating as a scout. We are currently looking into this; however, we would like to take this opportunity to remind clubs of best practice:

  • Scouts must not have direct and unsupervised contact with children or young people.
  • Clubs/associations must take steps to ensure that the identities of their Scouts are published, for example on a website, to ensure that identities can be verified at all times

Clubs/associations must issue an ID card to all Scouts, which contains their name, photograph and role as a Scout for the club. The ID card should only be valid for one season and must be renewed on an annual basis.

  • Scouts must not attend club training and/or skill development sessions unless they have prior agreement with the relevant club representative.
  • Scouts must contact the club at least 72 hours in advance of the game to request attendance and provide information of the game they wish to attend.
  • Scouts must not approach parents, carers or others known to the child or young person personally, in connection with their child’s involvement in football without firstly doing the following: -
    • The express permission of the Head of Recruitment or equivalent club/association official who has responsibility for player recruitment within the scout’s club or association; and –
    • The express permission from the club where the child or young person is already playing.

If you, or any of your staff/volunteers are approached by a scout please ensure that you:

  • See a valid ID card and check it has been issued within the past year
  • Verify their identity, contact details and interest in the player(s) with the club they are representing to ensure they are genuine.

If you doubt the authenticity of anyone acting as a scout, or the above details do not check out you should report the matter to the police. We would also ask that you inform the Scottish FA Wellbeing and Protection team on

Can you please ensure that you share this with your heads of academies, coaching staff, and anyone else you feel is appropriate at your club.

In addition, we would also ask that you take time to highlight to children and young people, parents and carers:

  • The correct procedures for Scouts
  • What children and young people and parents and carers should do if they are approached directly by a Scout
  • A reminder of the Child Wellbeing and Protection Officer contact details